The stadium has two halls suitable for all types of combat sports, and due to its acoustics, it is suitable for all kinds of cultural and entertainment events.
The “Pionir” Hall was ceremoniously opened on May 24, 1973. The usable area of the hall is 16,000 square meters, with sports arenas occupying 2,500 square meters.
A press center with modern communication facilities has been set up, along with cabins for TV and radio reporters. The hall is suitable for various “minor” sports, cultural and entertainment programs, gatherings, and other events.
When your child first steps onto the ice with ice skates, the dominant emotion they feel is fear of the new situation. They feel unstable and naturally have a fear of falling.
That’s why, in these first steps on the ice, it’s necessary to have a reliable coach by their side who instills confidence in them but also knows how to shift the focus from fear to fun! In the Pionir Ice Hall, this whole experience turns into a crazy fun time, and the fear quickly loses its intensity!